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Divers with dive specialties can make a difference on every dive

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Divers can learn valuable skills through a Dive Specialty. Divers with a Specialty learn to make a difference on every dive. This type is usually specialized in a certain area of diving and may specialize in particular equipment. Enriched Air Nitrox EANx (Boat Diving) and Deep Scuba are examples of these specialties. You can learn more about these diving specialty below.

Enriched Air Nitrox

PADI Enriched Air (Nitrox), or certified PADI Enriched Air (PADI) Diver, is a great way to learn about the benefits of enriched oxygen. The specialty course involves hands-on exercises and independent study. There are also two optional Nitrox dives. The course can either be completed online or offline. Special oxygen service standards will be required for this specialization.

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Underwater Photography

For those who love taking pictures, diving is a great way to expand their skills and knowledge. Underwater photography is just one of the many specialties that you can learn. You will learn basic principles and techniques in underwater photography. Additionally, you will learn about composition and underwater lighting. You will also learn how to properly photograph underwater subjects and proper etiquette. You can learn more about underwater photography by taking the PADI ELearning Course.

Boat Diving

The PADI Boat Diver Specialty Course can help you learn the basics of boat diving, no matter if you're new to the sport or an experienced diver. This course will teach you about diving boats, proper etiquette and entry and exit procedures. It also teaches you how to pack your gear for the trip. You'll also learn about boat safety and how to handle emergencies while on the water.

Deep Scuba

There are several Deep Scuba diving specialties. Certified divers have already completed the first dive in an Advanced Diver course and can go deeper. Deep Scuba divers need to understand how pressure and breathing affect their bodies and systems as they dive deeper. It is important that they learn how to safely plan and execute deep dives. Some specialties are more difficult than others. But, certification requires a few prerequisites.

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Underwater Navigation

Navigation is a crucial skill in scuba dive. You can use underwater navigation to find objects or dive to beautiful reefs. Navigation is important to a scuba diver, and learning to use the compass correctly is essential to this skill. You can practice underwater navigation in many ways, including using the compass and natural references.


Divers with dive specialties can make a difference on every dive