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Divers With Dive Specialties Can Make a Difference on Every Dive

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A Dive Specialist is a subset that allows divers to gain valuable skills in different areas. A Diver with a Specialty can learn to make every dive a better experience. These divers are often skilled in one area or a particular type of equipment. Enriched Air Nitrox EANx (Boat Diving) and Deep Scuba are examples of these specialties. Below are more details about these diving specialties.

Enriched Air Nitrox

To learn more about the many benefits of enriched water, you can become a PADI Enriched Air(Nitrox) Diver. The specialty course includes independent study, practical exercises, and two optional nitrox dives. You can take the course online or offline and complete it at your own pace, no matter where you are diving. This specialization requires a tank that meets specific oxygen service standards.

pool diving boards

Underwater Photography

Dive is a wonderful way to learn and improve your photography skills. One of the many specialties in diving is underwater photography. This course will teach you the fundamental principles and techniques of underwater photography. Learn about underwater lighting and composition. You will also learn how to properly photograph underwater subjects and proper etiquette. You can learn more about underwater photography by taking the PADI ELearning Course.

Boat Diving

Whether you're just starting out on your diving adventure or are interested in a new challenge, the PADI Boat Diver Specialty Course will teach you the basics of boat diving. Learn about the various types of dive boat, proper etiquette, entry/exit procedures, and how you pack your gear for the trip. Additionally, you will learn how to manage emergencies on the water and boat safety.

Deep Scuba

Divers can choose from several Deep Scuba diving Specialties. Certified divers have already completed the first dive in an Advanced Diver course and can go deeper. Deep Scuba divers should understand the effects of pressure and breathing while diving, because their body functions and systems become increasingly vulnerable at greater depths. They must also be able to plan and carry out safe deep dives. Some specialties are more difficult than others. However, there are a few prerequisites for certification.

scuba diving certification requirements

Underwater Navigation

Navigation is essential in scuba diving. Whether you want to find a particular object, or simply dive to a beautiful reef, underwater navigation is a must-have skill for a scuba diver. A scuba diver must be able to navigate underwater. This skill is vital for learning how to use the compass properly. There are many ways to practice underwater navigation.


Divers With Dive Specialties Can Make a Difference on Every Dive